Saturday 22 February 2014

Day out with T1D ( Type 1 Diabetes) and our new family member

Since my son has been diagnosed with T1D, we have acquired a new family member. His name is Insulin and he comes with us everywhere where we go.

(I remember time when my youngest son was born and we all would be visiting someone. When we would be leaving for home, my eldest son would say: " Mummy, are we leaving Oliver here?. I would say: "No, we won't leave him here, he is our family member. He comes with us where ever we go. It is absolutely the same with Insulin now.)

So today we had a big day attending Sid's (from Cbeebies) Show and we packed Toby's newly acquired lunch box with his:

Magic Pen for reading blood sugars,
Insulin supplies
And snacks for treating lows.

We also took with us 2 apples. 1 apple for each of our 2 boys. Since Toby is not allowed snacks due to his Diabetes, we have decided that we all are eating the same foods and snacks. That meant that our youngest son will need to eat fruit snacks between his meals e.g. during Sid's Show break time.

The show was great and both boys were enjoying it till the break time came. Youngest son did not wanted his apple and was reaching out for Toby's lunch box where all the hypo treatment goodies were. Toby in the meantime happily ate his apple. Only in the end of the break time Toby asked: "But why are they (pointing at all the  children) eating sweeties?" This question break my heart, and, once the show resumed, left me weeping silently and drying my tears for good 15-20 minutes.


  1. Hi Evita, I have read your blog with interest. My 7 year old, Evie, was diagnosed last October. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions and activities since then and I am amazed at what a strong and resilient girl I have. We are doing our best to give her as 'normal' a life as possible, whilst managing her numbers as best we can. We hope to try her on a pump soon and am full of worries as to what this new challenge will bring... I check her little brother's urine regularly - if he were to develop it too, I don't know how we would cope. I hope that Toby stays well and that you all get as best used to living with Diabetes as you can.

    1. Hi Mrs Moore, thank you for commenting and sharing here. Yes, I could say the same thing. Also my son has been extremely strong over this time, no complaints about finger pricks, injections and even reasonably ok ish with mummy's strict diet. Our sugar control was good staying majority of times within recommended targets, however we also have chosen to go on insulin pump and this is our 2nd week.

    2. My iPad had a technical glitch... I wish you all the best too as much life enjoyment as everyone else and good control over diabetes!!! Xxx
